
The book that our political class and the mega-rich don't want published

The Media Game: How it is Played and Who Wins

[Pages 196-201]
It is threatening, destabilizing and disheartening to let go of closely held beliefs. The worse the storm, the more tightly humans will cling to anything familiar.  For years now, we’ve been led to believe and bought into the idea that we arrived at left/right political polarization all own our own. Anyone that has spent any time whatsoever on Facebook can clearly see just how emotionally invested many Americans are in their political party of choice and beliefs about the current political system. The “fringe left” and “radical right” are more like religious cults than political beliefs and both are obsessed with cultural and social hot button issues — rather than wallet issues. The time is long past due for someone to ask the question, are social and cultural issues even within the role of government? Assuming the answer is “yes,” then the question should be asked, how far down the list of priorities should they be behind the critical issues of jobs, a strong U.S. economy and wealth inequality? Shouldn’t food and shelter come well before 24/7 chatter about social and cultural issues? For far too long, Americans have been focused almost exclusively on “social liberal” or “social conservative” obsessions — while the middle-class in America disappears. Clearly the No. 1 role of government is national security and No. 2 is the economy which includes good jobs for American citizens, yet focus on No. 2 until just recently has been virtually zero. Is that just coincidental or is it intentional, driven by the media machine owned by the mega-rich oligarchy?

Take for instance the 2009 Health Care (HC) debate. Although HC is not a “social issue” per say, it certainly wasn’t priority one when president Obama and Party B took the reins of power in Washington, D.C. Rome was burning, they had the wind at their back and the hope that real change was possible was at an all time high in America. What did they do? As Rome continued to burn, it was HC for breakfast, lunch and dinner 24/7 for well over a year. When they finally finished, there was nothing bi-partisan in the bill and they rammed down the throats of the American people. Maybe, just maybe, that was the only way it was going to happen and it will end up being “good medicine” in the long run, but only time will tell?

Two things about the HC package are debatable however: 1) Could America afford it during a period of record federal deficits and are the added expenses to employers a good idea in a recession and 2) Was this strictly an ideological pursuit that took place in a “damn the torpedoes” environment when jobs and the economy should have been priority one instead? While the answers to both questions may be debatable . . . one thing is clearly NOT debatable — no way should the entire American political system have been locked down in one single debate for well over a year when Rome was burning economically. No way, no how, no possible justification for it whatsoever! If you disagree with that assessment, then you won’t for long because the medicine to come from such inept leadership is a big dose of “liberty and freedom” [on top of non stop HC repeal efforts]. 

Did we, do we need massive HC reform? Yes! Should it have been allowed to suck the air out of the room for an entire year? No! America had and still has far more pressing economic issues. People are starving in America, jobs are going off shore, new arrivals are taking jobs on shore, all wages/salaries are stagnant and wealth inequality is at a level that is beyond words — yet we talked about HC for a year. That’s not leadership and just like the 24/7 discussions on gay marriage, abortion, the ground zero mosque, terrorism, airport security screenings and whatever gets manufactured as priority one this week . . . it’s no accident whatsoever.

These issues and hundreds of others are the diversionary tools used by the mega-rich media machine to steer us away from the really meaningful crucial issues facing America — namely wealth inequality that impacts basic “food and shelter” needs and pursuit of the American Dream. Admittedly, if we can believe the 30+ million number of unemployed and underemployed supplied by our government — which is highly dubious — most Americans are not yet worried about food and shelter. Those Americans, who don’t yet see what’s coming, believe that they can’t be replaced via an Internet worker. They don’t believe that their wages/salaries will be sucked down the spiraling toilet of downward mobility created by a mega-rich monopoly. Those Americans not directly impacted, aren’t yet asking themselves, ‘who is going to buy their goods and services and with what?’ It’s sure not going to be the millions of unemployed or underemployed yet to come in the years ahead. Hair stylists and Botox providers will serve the mega-rich alone. Clothiers, dry cleaners and fashion houses can forget about it as well . . . food comes before looking good. Home builders who are still in business will only be building mega-mansions . . . nothing modest for a middle-class that will no longer exist.  Again, 70+ percent of our economy comes from exchanging goods and services within our borders and if an even larger percentage of workers are replaced by off shore Internet talent and low wage new arrivals, even more money is removed from the game. Ships bringing in offshore manufactured goods and new immigrants displacing the lower middle-class American workforce were just the beginning. It’s the white collar, middle management professionals that currently have more and spend more in the economy that are next on the list to be displaced.

So why repeatedly beat this drum once again during a discussion on the American media? Simple: FOCUS! The next social issue or supposed crisis of the day that arises, ask your self this basic question: ‘is this issue really important in the grand scheme of things?’ Before you go off to Facebook or some other social media arena or start e-mailing everyone you know, ask yourself how much food the issue will put on people’s table? Does stopping or promoting a mosque at ground zero make your job more secure? Does yammering about airport security screenings create jobs? What does promoting or stopping gay marriage, abortion, prayer in schools or gun control do to combat wealth inequality or creation of jobs? Most Americans have an opinion on almost everything, but nine times out of ten the issues and opinions are frivolous by comparison to our economic issues. Divided by social issues, we cannot be united where it matters on economic issues and the mega-rich know it and manipulate us like rats to work against our own economic self-interests. More than 99 percent of our opinions don’t ensure that the American Dream will continue. These opinions don’t put food on the table and ensure that American children today and in the future will have food and shelter. For all those that say we can focus upon and accomplish both — YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY WRONG! The last 30+ years of financial losses for the middle-class proves that you are wrong. The idea that we can have it all and accomplish it all simultaneously is exactly why nothing has been accomplished to boost the money in middle-class wallets for decades.

As noted early on, the mega-rich who currently control our American Monopoly board don’t have ANY social or cultural issues. Social issues are for “the little people” ONLY! What we “the little people” don’t seem to get is every time we allow the mega-rich media minions to divert our attention with yet another social issue to captivate our focus — instead of restoring the American Dream via the economy and good jobs — we’re playing right into their hands. It’s no conspiracy, just the corporate media playing the role of pied piper leading the rats in any direction possible to keep them from focusing on the cheese.  

It doesn’t take a political scientist to quickly see just how deeply ingrained and attached most Americans are to our dysfunctional two-party status quo. Much like survivors clinging to a tree limb in a flood, anything that loosens their grip is felt deeply inside as a threat that will wash them away. Because they have been programmed over decades to hate the other party, any suggestion that in fact there is only one party that serves only the mega-rich is blasphemy. Nonetheless, when you follow the money, look at the voting records, review who wins and who loses within the current political system — the mega-rich always win and the people always lose. That can’t just be an accident of chance whereby one party is always outmaneuvered by the other.     

If we lived in China or some dictator regime, Americans would much more easily believe what you’re about to discover, which is: we’ve been brainwashed into believing closely held beliefs that are just not true. Before exposing the truth, let’s first define “brainwashing.” It is “a process in which a group or individual systematically uses unethically manipulative methods to persuade others to conform to the wishes of the manipulator(s), often to the detriment of the person being manipulated. Also called psychological operations, it includes conveying selected information and withholding other information to influence emotions, motives and most importantly objective reasoning.” Learning everything about your subjects such as beliefs, likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses and vulnerabilities is the critical first step. From that point it’s not that difficult if you can get enough exposure to your subjects because we’re two legged sheep who will follow each other off a cliff once herded in that direction. If you doubt that reality, even for one second, simply look at the current “freedom and liberty” cliff millions are lining up to jump off, herded by the false promise of “American exceptionalism,” that will simply place the boot of the mega-rich more firmly upon everyone’s neck.

According to A.C. Nielson Company, the average American watches more than 4 hours of TV each day [28 hours per week, 2 months out of ever year], in a 65-year lifespan, a typical American spends 9 years of their life glued to the tube.1 Add to those hours, talk radio and the Internet and we eat sleep and breath media in one form or another like no humans ever before. The “enough exposure” question, required for brainwashing, is affirmed.

Some of the earliest instances of brainwashing were by the Chinese during the Korean War to disrupt the ability of captured U.S. solders to effectively organize and resist their imprisonment. The two elements of fear and duress are almost always part of brainwashing and most Americans would agree, that today we’re probably more fearful and under more economic duress than any time since the Great Depression. What doesn’t seem to exist in America, that exists in almost every brainwashing effort is — total control of the subjects to be brainwashed.

No where and at no time in the history of mankind has any population had more media outlets and publications, not to mention the World Wide Web, with an apparent environment of absolutely zero censorship of any kind. It would appear that brainwashing is just not possible, with all of our so called “free press.” Even if someone was feeble minded enough to believe that, somehow via the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), “government” controls our media, there is complete lack of control of Internet outlets. While this lack of control and censorship is obvious, it is in fact the very tool that enables “brainwashing.” The very freedoms we believe we have is what makes most Americans never mentally deploy any filters or guards whatsoever — because we can change channels, stations or click to another website . . . even though most Americans never exercise that freedom. If there were walls and restrictions we’d see them, we’d recognize we were being limited. We’re just not dumb enough to be taken in by some elaborate brainwashing scheme.

If we could see the walls and the chains that bind our perimeters of thinking, we could and would resist, but what if the restraints are invisible. What if they are literally hidden within our apparent sense of “freedom” serving as the primary vehicle to deliver the knock-out punch?” We’re exposed to the messages of both the so called “left” and “right” and we can constantly change channels, go to different websites and read different publications of our own choosing, but we don’t. In reality, only a very small percentage of Americans get their information anywhere but the main sources. Just like sheep, we’re a herd species.

Nearly everyone wrongly assumes that brainwashing can only have one singular indoctrination goal. Where is that idea established as fact or reality? The idea that brainwashing must have one singular mindset is just not true. It’s simply what we Americans have been led to believe for more than 30+ years. We buy into the game of Party B versus Party A, liberals versus conservatives, good versus evil, us versus them, the good guys against the bad guys and all the while we’ve been losing our posteriors financially. As long as we have an opponent we can see and fight against, we’re happy little warriors fighting the battle for social conservatism or liberalism. All the while, for more than 30+ years, trillions of dollars have been sucked somehow from underneath our American Monopoly board and into the pockets of the greedy at the top of the American class pyramid.

Virtually every single American wants to trust and believe in our leaders, both political and corporate, as well as our media. From birth, we’re taught to believe in our nation, to support our nation, to be patriotic, wave the flag and support America. Loving our nation and supporting it, is as it should be, but it is brainwashing nonetheless or at least “indoctrination.” If that works so well and it appears to, then why would anyone have trouble believing that Americans could have just as easily been brainwashed into believing in two apparent opposing party mindsets? When you think it through, it is far easier to pull that off than brainwashing everyone into one single mindset. We would have recognized that for sure . . . we may be stupid, but we’re not that stupid!

What if the mega-rich were master manipulators that devised a way to herd Americans into acting and heavily investing emotionally in completely opposite belief systems? Could they use such beliefs to further their goals of constant monetary gain? A divided population fights each other don’t we? If we’re divided, does it really matter whether we wear a little liberal or conservative tag? We’re going to focus on the apparent adversary . . . the other party. Wealth inequality and some far fetched pyramid scheme that’s sucking all the money upward, is and will remain, a nonexistent priority as long as we’re fighting each other.

The only way something this sophisticated, this devious could be pulled off would require all the media to be under the thumb of one controlling force. Well America, that force has been in play for centuries and in the past few decades it has overridden every other force, it is called greed and money. The war strategy being deployed is as old a war itself, something that has worked to perfection over and over again throughout history. Once fully accomplished, it has never failed to topple great armies and nations alike. It’s called “Divide and Conquer” and it works in sports, war or any other venue where it’s critical for people to work together in order to succeed.

It doesn’t require some grand conspiracy, some new world order, some singular Oz like figure behind the curtain pulling the levers. It simply requires a fairly small group of people to all be on the same page, all working toward the same goal. There is no need to coordinate, no need to draw up an elaborate game plan or have secret meetings. All that’s required is to work separately toward either one or two options: push the American people down chute A or chute B [conservative or liberal]. Once that’s accomplished and “the little people” in camp A and B believe 100 percent that some epic battle is taking place for their benefit . . . they’ll remain docile, pliable little pups who are easily manipulated by diversion tactics and party propaganda.

Behind it all are the mega-rich and their political class puppets, also known as an oligarchy or a plutocracy. They possess all the buttons, levers, stations, channels and websites that we believe we’re choosing for our news and information every day. While they each vie for more money of course, they have one thing in common. It’s a bond stronger than any other force on earth, except survival — an unquenchable thirst for more money and more wealth. Their lust for even more money, trumps love of any nation or people and their aim is the exploitation of the entire planet and everyone on it. Please don’t confuse the mega-rich with those people across town living in the country club with an inflated ego. This is strictly a discussion of the super-rich, the dynasty families, the transnational corporations and the political class that we have been repeatedly voting into office for decades because it seemed we had no other choice. Essential to their pursuits, first and foremost, is a virtual lockdown and total control of the American media machine. Don’t get a lump in your throat or panic now, it’s too late, it already happened [while citizens were watching American Idol and Dancing with the Stars].  While they were amassing all the important properties on the outside of the American Monopoly board, they bought up virtually all the media and consolidated it into the hands of a few.

Over the past several decades we have seen an absolute media explosion of more channels, outlets, websites, radio, cable, satellite communications, mobile communications, books, magazines and newspapers. Never before in history have we appeared to have more freedom in communication channels, outlets and choices. As the outlets have grown something has shrunk while virtually no one was paying attention — ownership. Today, revenue producing media to include TV, cable, publishers, websites, newspapers, movie studios and radio are in the hands of a smaller pool of people than ever before in modern history.

Most recently, without even a peep from the American people, Comcast used the FCC’s “APPROVED” rubber stamp and $13.8 B to buy a 51 percent stake in NBC Universal from General Electric Company. Philadelphia-based Comcast has about 23 million cable TV subscribers and nearly 17 million Internet subscribers. It also owns a handful of cable channels, including E! Entertainment and the Golf Channel, as well as a controlling interest in the Philadelphia 76ers and Flyers sports teams. Taking over majority ownership of NBC will transform the company into a media powerhouse. NBC Universal owns the NBC and Telemundo broadcast network, 26 local TV stations; popular cable channels including CNBC, Bravo and Oxygen, the Universal Pictures movie studio and theme parks and a roughly 30 percent stake in, which distributes NBC and other broadcast programming online.

The move simply furthers a disturbing trend, whereby just six companies called “the Big Six” control almost everything you watch, listen to or read. Independent journalism, objectivity, fair and balanced reporting are now a thing of the past. It’s all about control, manipulation, divide and conquer political games, smokescreens and maintaining a status quo political oligarchy in which the mega-rich rule America with their iron fist of oppression.

The Big Six Corporate Media Monopolies:

  • General Electric (Comcast)
  • Disney
  • News Corp
  • CBS
  • Time Warner
  • Viacom

Just these six had combined 2009 revenues in excess of $250 B. Just below the Big Six are a second tier of 27 corporations that pretty much own everything not owned by the Big Six media giants. The word “everything” means EVERYTHING to include: cable, TV, radio, newspapers, magazines, publishers and telecom.

Breakout Resource(s):

Who Owns the Media?

In essence, 33 companies control virtually everything you see, hear or read. Movie studios and the publishing industry are closely aligned, if not owned by this same mega-rich group of people. A singular small group of elite people [less than 40 companies] control it all! Their annual revenues are half a trillion dollars or more and they have one thing in common: mega money and way too much power, influence and control over everything that happens or doesn’t happen in America as well as the world.

They “officially” get together yearly at a “media-mogul retreat” to ensure that their profits and propaganda machines are fine tuned to benefit their mutual lust for even more wealth. Unlike what the conspiracy theorist fruit loops believe, they do not wear cloaks and meet in darkened caves with a lot of candles, but instead sport Botox faces and designer fashions. What is essential for you to understand is that these media moguls do not have “viewers, listeners and readers” in mind when they get together. They already know that you are going to watch, read and patronize their garbage machines because A) you’re already brainwashed and emotionally invested B) you will cling to anything, like a child to their favorite toy, if it provides any crumb of hope or sense or security and C) at this point you’ll take any respite or diversion from reality you can get. As long as we remain “brainwashed,” their profits are secured and not at any risk whatsoever. Sure they compete with each other, but when you’re a multi-billionaire losing is subjugated to the ultimate goal of taking care of your fellow mega-rich and the political status quo. It’s far easier to cry over the loss of a few million dollars on your yacht than to cry with your starving children in a homeless shelter. As long as they are all working toward the same ultimate goal of maintaining the status quo — they all win and just can’t lose. The American Monopoly board belongs to them and the American people are being played like rats in a maze.

Breakout Resource(s)