
The book that our political class and the mega-rich don't want published

Change and Reformation a "How To” Guide

[Pages 359-364]

Write your members of Congress/state legislatures, join/support advocacy groups and don’t forget to vote . . . and the issues of wealth inequality, private sector job creation and a strong U.S. economy that works for “the people” will be solved, right?

Wrong! The political class and the mega-rich who own them would love for America to buy into, or continue buying, the idea that the three steps above will bring about a revolution and actually change the reality in Washington, D.C. and in state legislatures. For many Americans, perhaps even most, even the three simple steps above would be far more than they have ever done in their lifetimes to “participate in the democratic process.” Yet they wonder why this “democracy thing” isn’t working, why all the wealth has been accumulated at the top, why there are no jobs and why average American citizens continue to get screwed by the mega-rich and our political class. 

While the steps above are now an absolute must for economic survival, the reasons why they are not going to be enough are so numerous that it’s almost impossible to enumerate, but let’s try anyway. First and foremost, the above steps don’t work and won’t work — if those are the only efforts put forth by the American people — because we’re currently given no choices but to vote in the rich and members of the leisure class [who have the time and resources to participate in politics]. In other words, the political system is rigged, fixed and it is currently a foregone conclusion that only a member of one of the two parties can get elected. As long as the two dominate political parties can keep it a 50/50 proposition — only backed by the mega-rich — “we the people” will continue to lose financially. As the political system is currently set-up, almost no one can get into Congress or state legislatures without first selling their soul to the devil a.k.a. the mega-rich . . . simply because the costs of campaigning are too extravagant. Because the mega-rich own the media, no one but their hand chosen candidates get any face and air time to be exposed to the voting public. Essentially, the mega-rich allow us to either pick someone from Party A or Party B and those are the only choices allowed. The two parties, in every state, have fixed the system to keep independents and third parties out of the game, but that can be overcome and changed.

Tied to that reality is the fact that most Americans still see incumbency as good for their district and incumbents almost always have the financial advantage. Here is the biggest problem in a nutshell: as of June 2011 the approval rating of Congress was 18 percent and their approval has been in the pits for years and years, however, when asked about their respective members of Congress, most Americans approve. The result is that election cycle after election cycle we get the same crooks with longstanding ties to the mega-rich because almost no one in America will vote anti-incumbent or replace their party incumbent with someone new. We go with the status quo over and over and then we wonder why our economy is horrible and why we have been sold out?

We, as a nation, are so economically uneducated, so misinformed, pliable and so easily manipulated by media — whoever runs the most commercials usually wins. Virtually no one in America goes to a website such as and looks up the campaign financing of their candidates . . . then when the candidate does exactly what they are paid to do via campaign contributors — we act surprised and wonder why democracy doesn’t work? We’re a nation whose brains have been cooked by political marketing and massive media manipulation.

As your guide for this book, I stated early on that a vast background in marketing and advertising made me uniquely qualified to write a book of this type . . . you undoubtedly questioned that assertion. Well America, if you haven’t figured it out by now, you’ll never get it . . . the truth is that to date, for more than 3 decades, all political maneuvering is nothing whatsoever but a marketing, advertising and propaganda fire hose directed by our greedy aristocracy. That’s it, nothing else, total and complete BS!!! Decade after decade of nothing but spin via marketing blitzes and PR campaigns masquerading as “the political process” and “democracy” and we have all been total suckers! It’s an economic carnival game where an average citizen is allowed to win every once in awhile so more suckers will line up to play. As long as someone like Mark Zukerberg of Facebook walks away with a big stuffed bear every once in awhile . . . we fail to see who is behind our economic carnival game and continue lining up to play a game that is fixed for Ivy Leaguers such as Zukerberg. 

Here is the truth America. If you have enough money, enough spin masters and can control what people see, hear and talk about . . . you can sell anyone anything and there is no limit whatsoever as to what can be sold to include “ice to Eskimos” or anything else. It is just a fact of marketing and advertising and that is all politics is . . . pure unmitigated marketing spin. If marketing and advertising can convince a fat middle-age man that he will find hot young love if he buys a BMW and Viagra  . . . why, for even a moment, would you not believe that advertising, marketing and control of the media could not put anyone in the White House or in any seat in Congress? If that is possible, then manipulating Americans to work directly against their own economic self interests is a piece of cake with the advertising and marketing expertise at the fingertips of the mega-rich who have unlimited funding and budgets. We are a nation that loves to be lied to and we’ve been lied to over and over for more than 30+ years by a political class that will promise anything to get elected into office . . .  just so they can sell us all out while laughing all the way to the bank.    

In all advertising and marketing if you simply tell people what they want to hear and if you do it enough times — they will buy. It is marketing 101: buy enough exposures and the suckers will line up at your door. In politics it’s a simple message of requiring no pain, no sacrifice, no reality checks and promising to return America to the land of milk and honey. Add in a good speech writer, some compelling video, patriotic music, wave the flag and voila you’re elected or re-elected. Since no network or news vehicle is allowed to cover any candidate that is not a member of either Party A or Party B . . . it’s a locked in 50/50 proposition for the mega-rich puppet masters [since most Americans delve no further than TV or obvious newspaper and Internet outlets].

Once a candidate has overcome the 50/50 game of chance, they’re almost set for life unless they really screw up big time. If they make it to the Senate they are set for 6 years no matter what and even with a two year term in the House, most will get elected to at least another term or two. Since there is no congressional recall button for American voters and only the possibility of expulsion by their fellow band of thieves — via laughable ethics committees — there is no heat in the kitchen until the next election season. As long as a member of Congress has a little common sense, cover their tracks and isn’t too outlandish — the chances for a Justice Department or FBI investigation into their activities are minimal . . . most especially since most political corruption is presently categorized as “ethical” as opposed to “criminal.” After all, criminal prosecution is for us commoners . . . not the aristocracy.

Now, with such a cushy position inside the Washington, D.C. beltway secured [for at least a couple of years at a time], consider that thousands and thousands of e-mails, letters, petitions, etc. arrive into Congress every single day — to the tune of at least a couple hundred of thousand per year — if not more. All from lowly constituents or slightly elevated slugs such as “citizen advocacy groups” who have, by comparison, paid little or no money for attention from the political class via campaign contributions and cronyism.

On average, a member of Congress has around 14 staff members. Typically a couple of interns or kids just out of college handle all the phone calls e-mails, petitions, etc. that arrive from lowly constituents. It’s the job of the interns and the kids just out of college to simply pat citizens on the head like children and make them go away. In order to accomplish this lowly mission, they are fully equipped with form letters and canned responses to any and all issues and pieces of legislation that may be on the “citizen agenda.” In most cases, the citizen gets a letter or a canned e-mail and they go away with pride, no matter the response, because a letter arrived on congressional letterhead or a mass e-mail was sent to make it look individualized. Even for the rare citizen that is still impressed for a time with congressional letterhead, etc., after awhile frustration with the same old games of corruption and cronyism mount and the citizen just goes away.

While a responsive member of Congress and true concern over any citizen issue is rare, simply because it is special interest and lobbyists that get attention in Washington, D.C. — a new phenomenon has emerged to make it even worse. In the beltway it’s called “clicktivism” and most Americans who are even a little engaged politically have participated. It’s the e-mail from some advocacy group that provides a “click here” to send an e-mail or to sign a petition, etc. Behind all the clicking are well intentioned companies selling software and database management tools to make all the “click here” political activism happen with ease. The problem is two fold: A) to much clicking on far too many issues a.k.a. a lack of focus on a strong U.S. economy, private sector job creation and wealth disparity and B) the assumption by the American people that clicktivism is actually an effective lobbying tool.  

Bad news America, it’s going to take a lot more effort to bring about change and a revolution than sitting at your computer and clicking your mouse. In an average year, more than $3.5 B is spent in Washington, D.C. alone on lobbyists, not to mention the billions spent in state capitols.1 So America has to understand that clicktivism is great and far better than doing nothing, but far more has to be done before a member of Congress will throw a lobbyist under the bus and do the right thing for the American people. Even if we were operating in a “democracy,” which of course we’re not, a lack of focus would hurt and merely clicking would have little effect, but this book is about facing up to actual reality and changing that reality . . . not about making readers feel good via lies and unrealistic expectations.

Understand that there are thousands of advocacy groups all focused on a thousand different agendas attacking in an uncoordinated fashion. That’s just simply not going to work! Secondly, while this book documents that many groups are focused on the economy, jobs and wealth disparity — there are far too few advocacy groups focused strictly upon the economic issues in America that truly matter. The reason for that is America has had it too good and too easy economically and we’ve never had to fight previously. There was plenty of wealth to go around and “the economy” was just left up to the political class and the Harvard economists. Advocate efforts could be vague and non-specific and the American people didn’t have to educate themselves on issues such as trade agreements and trade imbalances. Well America those days are gone!!!

Even though your voice will absolutely achieve far more volume via one or more advocacy groups, the individual groups can’t be allowed to take your money and waste your time with splintered advocacy efforts that oftentimes distract or even compete with one another. If all or even most groups came together to push for campaign finance reform or repeal of the NAFTA agreement for instance . . . how long do you think it would be before we had movement in Congress? We could repeal NAFTA in less than 60 days.

Instead of only pushing members of Congress, the time has come for citizens to push the thousands of advocacy groups to come together upon more common economic and political reform agendas. It’s time these diverse groups were forced to grow up and focus on overcoming the bread and butter issues facing America — instead of working toward utopia or their own individual niche issues. How do you get their attention? Easy, you put them on notice that you will be withholding your contributions and support until you see an effective coordinated strategy, working with other advocacy groups on common priorities to bring about change, instead of only talking 24/7 about change. Someone once said that “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” and economically hell is the road we’re now on. Therefore, now is the time for some tough love and realistic expectations for advocacy results! Good intentions don’t pay the bills . . .

Simply tell all the advocacy groups not focused on a strong U.S. economy, private sector job creation and wealth disparity that you’ll have to get back to them at another day and time. America now has far bigger issues to confront and overcome. As for the groups that are focused on the issues that count, ask them what happens to the clicktivism letters and petitions that supposedly travel through cyberspace to Congress? Who receives them, who do they go to, how high are their contacts within each congressional member’s staff and most importantly — ask if all the letters, petitions and e-mails are physically hand delivered in duplicate to their cyberspace outreach? All advocacy groups are not created equal and it’s yet another reason why they must be forced to come together to work on common economic and political reform objectives. Millions of dollars per year go to advocacy groups and the time has come for those dollars to start paying huge economic dividends for the American people! Advocate groups need to feel the heat to deliver just like members of Congress. Since clicktivism obviously isn’t working for the American people, the day and time has come to shut down Congress for a few days, via activist groups coming together to amass millions to takeover the capitol until they listen. A great issue to begin with would be campaign finance reform, the most important issue in America today by far! Clicking your mouse is simply not going to be enough to create the required revolution and the sooner America realizes this reality the better.

Although it is cliché to say that “all politics are local,” it is true that far too much emphasis is placed on national advocacy efforts. At the end of the day, either your individual member(s) of Congress is tuned in with your overall economic and political reform agenda [most especially when it comes to sponsorship of specific legislation], or they are not. The problem is that getting a politician to take a position on anything is like trying to nail Jello to tree. While some will give you a position, most will hedge while waiting to see what their party and the mega-rich that own them will allow. So when you receive their form letter saying how concerned they are about whatever issue it may be, if it doesn’t give you a firm “yes” in support and more importantly their name as a sponsor of a specific bill — you can quickly uncover if you should waste anymore of your time with them. Simple go to or some other source and look up their campaign contributors, then look up their party line on the issue. At that point you pretty much know their position and potential vote should the legislation come to a vote. Nine times out of ten, they currently vote how they are paid to vote and in areas where there are not firm dollars, cronyism and paybacks on the table — they will vote with their party 90 percent of the time. It’s called “democracy” and it has nothing whatsoever to do with “the people” or the majority of citizen opinions expressed.

Nonetheless, as you move through your series of issues, if you haven’t obtained their position via news sources or research, you’ll over time learn if they are a keeper or it’s time to launch your personal campaign to oust them in the next election cycle. Via blogs, Facebook and e-mail, start your campaign immediately to move them out by exposing their campaign money sources and their voting record. If they voted for NAFTA or they take one single dime from Wall Street they have to go . . . this is not complex! You simply can’t wait until November of the election year to make a difference. Bring the heat and bring it NOW! Understand that your focus can no longer be just about specific economic issues and legislation, but just as importantly going forward, it must now be about congressional reforms and the way Washington, D.C. does business. When you combine the two arenas, you’ll quickly see that most of the incumbents in both political parties must now go — most especially if they resist congressional reforms! This nation simply can’t move forward and address the vast number of issues we now face within the present broken system of massive political corruption now firmly ruling America. We have a completely broken and corrupted system of government and the time has come for America to face up to that reality and do something about it!

Once you know the positions of your member(s) of Congress, all is not lost within interim periods between election cycles — even if all your positions and pieces of legislation are opposed. There is still much work that can be accomplished at the national level via blogs, advocacy and Facebook groups to garner attention and votes from other members of Congress for your issues and pieces of legislation.

Also, don’t discount the legislative initiatives that can be accomplished at the state, or even the local level, when movements fail at a national level. A great example are the initiatives to ban employment credit checks that have stalled in Washington, D.C. thus far, but have passed in 6 states and are being considered in at least 20 more. “Where there is a will, there is a way” as the saying goes and Americans have to learn that apathy and resignation to living under the boot of the mega-rich will be an uphill fight every step of the way. Over the course of more than 30+ years, they put the mechanisms, the tools, the media domination, campaign finance system, cronyism, smokescreens and the games into play to own us. Each one will have to be overcome and dismantled step by step, fight by fight until we return control of America to average citizens within a true democracy. The mega-rich and the political class will only go kicking and screaming and this war is only for true American patriots with fight and backbone.

This fight cannot be fought and won from only your computer or the ballot box, but instead will require far more if it is to be successful. Civil disobedience, taking to the streets of Washington, D.C. and state capitols in peaceful protest efforts — must be part of the game plan. The American people have been lulled to sleep over the course of generations with media and technology toys, while the mega-rich have slipped their noose around our necks and plunged their fangs of greed into our juggler veins. We’ve been taken in by the idea that two political parties are fighting it out on our behalf, when in fact . . . nothing could be further from the truth! Lofty speech after lofty speech, as the flag waved in the background, the American people have been fed lie after lie, election cycle after election cycle and the only change that occurs is more financial ruin for average Americans. Promises and good intentions are meaningless and the time for massive change has arrived! The time is now for an “American-autumn,” much like what we’re now seeing sweep through the middle-east under the moniker of an “Arab-spring.”

We are not facing an economic “bump in the road,” but instead we’re facing a massive mountain that has been constructed and put into place by a greedy aristocracy that is sucking the life blood out of every single American and their family. If we don’t fight now, there will be nothing left for which to fight . . . the mega-rich will not stop, their greed will not cease and they will not remove their boot from our necks until we are all marched into a sea of poverty — one by one, family by family — until all future generations are born into slavery and servitude under rule of an even stronger, more well entrenched oligarchy. The table has been tilted as far as it can be tilted and now we must fight in order to return the American Dream to the people . . . out of respect for past generations and respect for those that follow. This is our war, we allowed this downfall to happen to America and this is our day and our time to fight!