
The book that our political class and the mega-rich don't want published


[Pages 2-6]
I always knew I’d write a book one day, but never envisioned it would be this one. It started out with me, just an average citizen, suddenly having something none of us ever have . . . some spare time. That time, was bestowed by the Great Recession we’re all now living within. Even though we’re told it’s now over, we all know better.

A news junkie, just like many Americans, I was and to this day am not a “political junkie” or someone with a natural curiosity about the economy. Only a few pages into this book and you will question both those assertions, but they are in fact true. If our common economic plight, within the context of the political arena, had no bearing upon our nation and my fellow citizens, I wouldn’t be the least bit interested in either topic. Furthermore, it would make all the data, numbers and information provided herein a waste of your time to read. Well America, if you don’t realize it now, you will realize in time — our common economic plight is just about the only issue that really does matter. The reason for that is quite simple: at a minimum all Americans need to eat and we all need a roof over our heads. Meeting the two basic human needs of food and shelter are now in more jeopardy than at any time since the Great Depression and as you will learn herein — the economic challenges ahead of us are absolutely immense and complicated well beyond what most Americans now understand. In order to overcome and confront those challenges, America must now toss aside all the frivolous by comparison issues and focus solely on three economic arenas: massive wealth disparity, a strong U.S. economy and creation of good private sector jobs for our citizens. 

As I researched, peeled back the layers and evaluated, I became ever more alarmed by what I uncovered. Previous to my research, I saw my fellow Americans as a happy go lucky group of souls living their own versions of the American Dream. Now I view my fellow Americans as a humble trusting group of people being led to their economic slaughter by a corrupt political class owned by the mega-rich. Even though the vast majority of Americans have been under financial siege for more than 30+ years, we’ve yet to respond with any fight in a battle that can only be described as “class warfare.” Through a highly sophisticated divide and conquer game along with diversion and manipulation of the truth — the powers in charge of our economy and the American monopoly board are sucking the lifeblood out of the American Dream. The cherished and long held idea that America is a classless society where economic opportunity and upward mobility exists, as you will discover, has never been further from the truth.   

With the exception of having an extensive 20+ year career in corporate communications, business journalism and marketing, I’m no different whatsoever than any other average American citizen — nor does such a background “qualify” me to write this book. If I’m “qualified” to understand and interpret the facts, statistics and implications of this book, then so are you. I’m merely the messenger of the facts, statistics, data and historical facts. While I of course draw some conclusions from the information, interpretation is up to readers. Nonetheless, my background does uniquely qualify me to unlock and decipher spin and sophisticated political manipulation along with “corporate speak.” At the end of the day, it’s all “advertising” and “marketing” and once you realize that reality — you’ll see beyond it with a big picture perspective to understand that we have all been played and manipulated for decades. In Part I, the multifaceted games are exposed and in Part II, the beginnings of a resistance plan are put into place to end to the games. Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet — no singular political figure, existing political party or piece of legislation — that will restore the American Dream overnight. It took decades of apathy and misguided trust in a failed political class to get us into the economic mess we’re now in and it will take at least a decade and more than likely far longer to turn the corner and restore prospects for the American Dream.

If nothing else comes across, two realities are critical to get across: 1) the economic/political hierarchy is no longer working for the vast majority of the American people and 2) unlike at any time in our past, average citizens now have quick access to credible information resources to clear away all the babble and noise killing the American Dream. Armed with that information, the ONLY hope America now has is for average citizens to step-up and get involved to save the American Dream. The current political class is simply not capable of addressing the issues without the leadership of common citizens. The days of worshiping some cult of personality political figure or following and buying into the lofty rhetoric of so called “political rock stars” — with the old glory as their backdrop — is a failed exercise in futility. More importantly, while voting is essential, merely voting every couple of years and doing nothing else in between, is about as effective in bringing about positive economic changes as cursing at your TV.

Only a massive push by engaged citizens acting in their own economic self interest and a constant monitoring of every move the political class makes, will turn things around and restore the American Dream. Anything short of a mass uprising and peaceful revolution by the American people will produce nothing but more status quo empty promises, hollow rhetoric and the same old political games. By design and execution, we’re a confused, manipulated and divided nation — focused on anything and everything — except the three most critical issues we now face: wealth inequality, a strong U.S. economy and creation of good private sector jobs for our citizens.     

The time has arrived to say goodbye to cable news, the Harvard economists, political pundits and the talking heads dividing America with gotcha politics, smokescreens and manipulation. It’s time that Americans admit that we have a grossly dysfunctional two-party political system that serves only the greedy desires of the mega-rich. With an inquisitive mind, the Internet and a few clicks of your mouse — the big picture is clear. Contrary to popular belief, there is no battle going on between two political parties fighting it out for the economic wellbeing of “the people.” Red, blue, donkey and elephant are just the colors and characters of an elaborate play acted out for the American people. While some things obviously happen behind closed doors and far more transparency is needed, the American people are so apathetic and bamboozled that we fail to see and investigate the facts that are right in our face.

The resources to uncover the truth are pervasive, yet Americans are lazily led like sheep by cable news, politicians and so called pundits who have as their only agenda . . . more money in their pockets. Far too many Americans will buy into even the most insane conspiracy theory, but won’t lift a finger to look at the truth — when it is unmasked and available for anyone to see. Everyone in America needs to eat and desires a roof over their heads, but far too few will invest any significant research and advocacy time to ensure those two basic life needs are met. On the other hand, as a barometer of warped priorities, more than 122 million Americans voted to determine the last America Idol winner? While it seems a new TV talent show comes upon the scene almost weekly, unless YOU can sing or dance — such talents are NOT going to be feeding YOUR family or paying YOUR bills. Therefore, putting forth some actual political and economic effort . . . should perhaps take a higher priority than American Idol.  

While many books exist on most, if not all, topics covered herein, this book attempts to not only expose the big picture but to tie it all together in order to connect the interlocking construction of what amounts to a massive money funnel diverting the lifeblood of American toil and labor to the top of a class structure. Much of the information herein is better suited to be presented via the Internet [which is part of Phase II], but the big picture is best presented via a book. Understanding the big picture is all about exploring and exposing the smokescreens, political party games and manipulation techniques to demystify the control vehicles that have the American people programmed to act against their own economic self interest. The vast research resources and advocacy avenues provided within [and more to come as this draft is moved toward final publication] are the most valuable tools we now have available to confront and solve the humongous economic issues we now face. Assuming you actually want the truth, the websites and information links provided, called “breakout resources,” along with in depth analysis, will help to end to political spin and economic double-speak.

While most books want to convince their readers of something, this endeavor wants you to come to your own conclusions, free from spin and manipulation. That is exactly why extensive footnotes are provided for all the statistics, data and information provided, along with the aforementioned “breakout resources.” This book is about sending you upon your own investigative journey with the goal of enabling you to form your own conclusions — instead of having them formed for you and spoon fed into your brain. Going forward, you must believe ONLY what you can see and can document — not what you are being told by any political party, politician, corporate mouthpiece or talking head. Trust only what you can verify, examine both sides of every economic issue and then, and only then, form your own conclusions. Much of what seems to be, just isn’t true and much of what you have trusted for decades . . . just can’t be trusted any longer.

I didn’t write for reviewers at the New York Times or the Washington Post, but instead wrote for my fellow Americans . . . in the mode of one-to-one conversational English not stilted, ivory tower academic discourse. Unlike the political class and the media, I have nothing monetarily to gain from lying and manipulating reality. In fact, by giving up an anonymous existence, along with exposing the truth . . . I’m doing myself no financial favors whatsoever! Some will claim that I’m envious of the mega-rich, but instead, it’s “familiarity” that breeds my contempt. Being “business friendly” and pro “free enterprise” are not the same as a nation ruled by unmitigated greed and avarice.

A Washington, D.C. insider, I’m not, any more than you, but a move to Washington, D.C. a decade ago opened my eyes to a city that is so corrupted by greed and money that I now see our nation’s capitol as an apple teaming with worms. While most Americans care about the economy, too many say they are “not political.” Unfortunately, the two are as intertwined as foreplay and birth and what happens or doesn’t happen in Washington, D.C. as well as state legislatures, dictates most livelihoods and the future of the American Dream. Getting involved is not some vague “civic duty,” but it is now a matter of basic survival.

My perspectives from 20+ years as a corporate mouthpiece, deliver unique insights that no “journalist” inside a news room possesses. At some point in life, you look in the mirror and realize that you just have to try and do the right thing and exposing the truth is now what I must do. Whether or not Americans can stomach the truth is yet to be seen, but this book is all about exposing it. In many instances I provide some actual solutions, but by no means am I able to provide them all. If nothing else, I ask most of the right questions and questioning is where real change begins. Questioning the road our common American Dream is now upon and whether our current political system and characters are capable of turning the wheel — before we go off the cliff — is the looming question that every American must now ask.     

Our political class and the mega-rich don’t want this book and subsequent website to happen and it won’t happen without you. Without you simply attaching this draft to an e-mail with your comments and sharing with every American you know, all the facts, statistics and work herein will be in vain. There will be elements herein with which you disagree . . . thus is the nature of anything that involves economic and political discourse. Freely take whatever you disagree with herein and toss it over your shoulder and out the window, but please take action now on the initiatives with which you do agree. America can no longer afford to act like children by “taking their ball and going home” whenever we disagree, but instead we must unite by the millions on the issues where there is agreement. Divide and conquer politics, manipulation and diversion are exactly why the American Dream is dying and Americans now have to open their eyes before it’s too late. Before reading further, please temporarily place all your political tags, such as “liberal,” “conservative,” “progressive,” “right” and “left” on the rack by the front door . . . such divisions are mere blinders whereby all average Americans are losing economically. I’m irreverent by necessity and my blade is sharp on both edges in order to cut through gotcha politics, sound bites and our failed status quo political system. While Americans can presently agree on little or nothing, there is one thing we can almost all agree upon — this so called “political system” in regard to addressing the critical economic issues of our time — is just no longer working for the American people.

This early draft manuscript is being distributed free of charge via e-mail for two purposes: 1) to gather a wide-range of input, ideas and feedback previous to publishing and 2) to procure grassroots financial donations to either self-publish or to pursue the avenue of finding a publisher. It may be forwarded in this draft form, as you have received it, but ONLY in its entirety with no edits changes or deletions as protected by U.S. copyright laws. Inside of this extremely strict perimeter, you are strongly encouraged to forward a copy to every American e-mail address that exists! This is about numbers and the more distributions it receives the greater chances are for getting it to print. Your involvement, financial contributions and input; along with sharing this draft with all your fellow Americans will determine success or failure.

To say “America is at a crossroads” is cliché and so often repeated that the words now ring hollow — we’re way past the crossroad and missed a huge turn decades ago. In reality, America is either at a point of meltdown or revolution. If we stay the present course, we’re doomed to a two class America of the fabulously wealthy and the dirt poor . . . with no class of Americans in between whatsoever. This book is all about coming together to change that impending reality. Americans now feel helpless and hopeless which has led to apathy and a resignation that nothing can be done to stop the current path we are now on. Nothing could be further from the truth, but that can only happen with a nation of common citizens who are informed, aware and fully engaged. This entire book is premised upon enlightening the American people on how we got here and more importantly how we can now turn back the tide that is killing the American Dream.  There is much to be uncovered and investigated along with a massive fight ahead, so let’s get started . . .