
The book that our political class and the mega-rich don't want published

The Two-Party Mirage

[Pages 126-133]

For 30+ years or more, the people have looked to and fluctuated back and forth between Party A or Party B and just like every mirage in a desert there is never any water or shade at the promised oasis. It’s no different than watching an endless ping-pong match . . . back and forth, back and forth and the only people winning are the political class along with the mega-rich that own both of the two major political parties.

Economically, let’s look at the basic pitches for party A. then party B. Party A basically says that, ‘if we and our backers are allowed to get even richer you’ll get by somehow.’ It’s a firm belief in most circles, a true Americanism, that “if they don’t get theirs, we won’t get ours.” It’s all based almost 100 percent on flawed “trickle down economic” thought. Over the past 30+ years the economy has grown and jobs have been created, but where is there any direct evidence that any of the jobs were created by via “trickle down economics” and more importantly . . . where has one dime of wealth trickle into anyone’s pockets outside of the top 10 percent of citizens? Economic changes occur and developments such as the tech boom and the Internet come along, but surely — no one can claim either was created by trickle down economics and massive wealth accumulation at the top.
The stark undeniable statistics clearly demonstrate one single direction on wealth accumulation during the last 30+ years . . . ALL UPWARD!  So obviously, no one can claim that “trickle down economics” creates wealth accumulation for the vast majority of the American people . . . it’s just not possible to make such a claim! It can of course be “claimed” that trickle down economics creates jobs, but there is no way to prove or document such a claim. Yea, president, Reagan cut taxes and that happened to coincide with the tech boom and creation of the Internet. Would anyone, except the radical right, claim that tax cuts created the tech boom or the Internet? Of course not! Nonetheless taxes on the mega-rich have been ridiculously low ever since Reagan.  

Since the mega-rich have never had more money than right now, why isn’t the economy booming? Why aren’t jobs being created? How in the world can Party A be advocating for even more money to be given to the top as a way to turn around the economy? Nothing could be more far fetched or illogical than to contend the mega-rich don’t presently have enough money to create jobs. Only an idiot, completely unaware of the massive wealth disparity and money sitting at the top of the food chain, as documented herein, could still buy into the same old Party A mantra of ‘we can’t tax the job creators.’

Where is the cause and effect relationship between massive wealth accumulation at the top and, for instance, the tech boom and creation of the Internet? The tech boom and development of the Internet, largely responsible for much of the economic growth in America during our lifetimes, was driven by the government who created the Internet, average entrepreneurs and not in any way from massive wealth accumulation at the top.

If trickle down economics = wealth accumulation for the vast majority of the American people — then it’s a complete abysmal failure proven by the statistics herein. If trickle down economics = creation of millionaires and massive wealth accumulation at the top then it was a success. Does that equate to private sector job creation, as is so often claimed, or do innovations and economic factors such as the tech boom and development of the Internet create jobs? Businesses and individuals invest in opportunities and opportunities are not driven by massive wealth accumulation at the top. In fact, such massive wealth at the top chokes off economic growth via monopolies, collusion and way too much power in the hands of too few. Money in the hands of average people gets spent to stimulate 70 percent of the economy, but mega-money gets hoarded and redoubled via the stock market. The American people haven’t had any money to spend in well over a decade and what was being spent was credit card and home equity money. Both those sources of spending were wiped out and cancelled via Wall Street’s greed and the housing bubble they exploded upon America. Anyone waiting for consumer spending to turn the economy around had better not hold their breath because there simply is no money available.

Of course, anyone that still has a job in America is glad to have it, but no cause and effect relationship can be made that jobs are created by trickle down economics and massive wealth accumulation at the top. In an August 2011 op-ed piece, billionaire, Warren Buffett, said, “I have worked with investors for 60 years and I have yet to see anyone — not even when capital gains rates were 39.9 percent in 1976-77 — shy away from a sensible investment because of the tax rate on the potential gain. People invest to make money, and potential taxes have never scared them off. And to those who argue that higher rates hurt job creation, I would note that a net of nearly 40 million jobs were added between 1980 and 2000. You know what’s happened since then: lower tax rates and far lower job creation.”1

In spite of all the evidence to the contrary, even with a billionaire like Warren Buffett weighing in, Party A just continues forward with their same old mantra that ‘we can’t tax the job creators.’ Amazingly, far too many Americans continue to buy into such stupefied rhetoric as all the wealth in the U.S. has been transferred to the top over the course of 30+ years.

A job is a job but it’s NOT wealth accumulation unless it pays above the level of basic survival with something significant left over . . . nothing significant has been left over for the vast majority of the American people for more than 30+ years and it’s getting worse by the day. For the last 35 years, we’ve had party A in the oval office for 20 of those years. In 20 years, assuming trickle down works, there should be some evidence of it working, but if wealth accumulation for the middle-class is the yardstick . . . there is no evidence of it working whatsoever — zero! The statistics just don’t lie . . .

Since party A is an abysmal failure, then party B must be the way to go, right? Their basic economic pitch is some kind of quasi “trust us and we’ll take care or you” message, but no one really knows what that exactly means. Whatever it means it must NOT mean being enabled to compete for a piece of the American pie on a more leveled playing field since party B has held the oval office for 15 of the last 35 years. Surely if “we the people” were going to see any results from party B it would have happened by now, but once again, just as with party A, the evidence and statistics say complete abysmal failure. The Party B loyalists will of course say “they tried really hard,” but that bad Party A kept them from moving the ball forward. Almost all Americans [that still have a job] go in for a performance review each year. What happens if you deliver zero results, but say you tried really hard? You’re either fired or given 90 days to show results. In the case of Party B and Party A . . . they have had 30+ years to turn things around economically for the American people and have failed miserably, but they still have a job and hold power?  

The truth is, as far as wealth accumulation for the vast majority of the American people, creation of good jobs and protecting the jobs we still have — there is no party in Washington, D.C. accomplishing anything in that regard and it’s been that way for 30+ years. If you’re poor, homeless and struggling, you don’t even exist — unless of course Party B throws you a bone from time to time in exchange for your vote. While the poor have the lowest percentage of voters and participation in the political process, by a wide margin — virtually everyone making six figures or more votes. Politicians therefore, know that the top 10 percent of voters are largely responsible for getting and keeping them in office via the ballot box because A) they vote and B) they contribute to campaigns.     

Since America’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown from $3 T in 1980 to around $14 T in 2010 it means that billions of dollars in profits are going somewhere? With that much wealth floating around, you would think that Party A or Party B would have gotten a couple of those dollars into your pocket. Since not a dime of those additional revenues have shown up in your pocket there are three and only three logical conclusions possible: 1) we just haven’t had enough of Party A or 2) we just haven’t had enough of party B or 3) we’ve had all we can stand from both Party A and Party B a.k.a. the status quo.

There could however, be a fourth conclusion that’s logical . . . what if essentially there really is no party A or B? What if it just looks like two parties, but it’s really one party with the same ultimate goal . . . take from the vast middle-class and working poor and give to the mega-rich? Like a greedy version of Robin Hood, who sometimes impersonates the elephant and sometimes impersonates the donkey. The rhetoric and lofty speeches are different at times and both parties claim to be looking out for “the people” in their own way, but a 30+ year financial loosing streak for the American people clearly demonstrates that based on results . . . it’s all total BS! Massive wealth accumulation at the top and nothing whatsoever for the people over the course of 30+ years would lead any logical person to conclude that — either this two-party thing isn’t working or “we the people” are getting the shaft from both parties.

Which party loyalists are the biggest suckers is the only question that remains to be answered. While Party A devotees continue to await their slice of the American pie via trickle down crumbs, Party B loyalists are still buying into the “party of the people” mantra as the mega-rich laugh all the way to the bank. If you believe that Party B is “the party of the people” then how do you explain the undeniable fact that toward the end of 2010 that the mega-rich got a huge tax cut? President, Obama, during his entire election campaign, said over and over and over, ‘no tax cuts for the rich when I’m in the White House.’ He got elected and Party B controlled both the House and the Senate by large majorities. If you control all 3 legislative entities . . . done deal, no tax cuts for the rich, right? Wrong!

Somehow the mega-rich got their taxes cut? The spinners, experts and so called political pundits as usual told the American people what to think and how to think and most Americans were none the wiser. Pick your excuse: A) the mandate after the November election dictated that president, Obama and members of Party B in Congress had to pass tax cuts for the rich or B) president Obama and Party B just happened to run out of time and wanted to go home for the holidays. Is excuse A true? Nope, they had the votes and the veto power of the president to stop any tax cuts for the mega-rich. Then B must be true? Nope once again, they had two years, knew the issue was coming for two years and did nothing whatsoever to stop tax cuts for the mega-rich. Either Party B is guilty of being “poor time managers” or they were 110 percent complicit?

How could this have happened? How could the mega-rich a get tax cut, that will add approximately $700+ B to the deficit over a decade, when president Obama essentially said ‘hell no’ during his campaign? The answer to that question is the same as it has always been for more than 30+ years: the mega-rich always get what they want because they own Congress and the corporate media machine. It simply could not have been done if Party B was not complicit . . . now way, no how, not possible. Party A wasn’t going to bring up the issue, so it was up to Party B and they just decided to just sit on the issue and allow the clock to run out. As long as Party B could somehow create “political cover” a tax cut for the mega-rich was going through. The political cover came in the form of the “good cop bad cop” game. Party B played the role of “good cop” and Party A gave them cover by playing the role of greedy “bad cop” — along with their typical smokescreen that the billions in tax cuts would create jobs and “trickle down” to the people [just like it hasn’t since 1980]. As if the game wasn’t insulting enough to all Americans with any brain, president, Obama came out in the fall of 2011 with another hollow call to “tax the rich’ as an re-election ploy . . . knowing by then that it was safe to make such a call since Party A owned the House and such legislation didn’t have a chance in hell of passing. How convenient . . .

Party B could then use their old tried and true smokescreen of “we tried,” but those bad people in Party A wouldn’t allow it. Only a fool wearing rose colored glasses can twist the reality around in their mind to not see that Party B was 100 percent complicit in getting the mega-rich a tax cut and that all calls for a tax hike thereafter are just part of the game. It’s all a sophisticated ruse upon America and it’s the same game played out repeatedly over 30+ years to rob “the people” and give to the greedy. What’s amazing is that so many in America are still to this day taken in by the game. You would think that after 30+ years, Americans would wise up? Anyone that can’t see through the game may as well stop reading now because you’re just not going to get it. Before you sign out, please don’t forget to tell all the rest of us how ignorant we are about politics, how we just don’t understand “the legislative process” and how Washington, D.C. really works. [Please pardon us if we happen to snicker, just a little, at your condescension] The majority of Americans are now finally realizing that it’s all a big game where in Washington, D.C. the people lose and the mega-rich always win somehow.

When it comes to promises and politics we Americans have zero long-term memory and only focus on the latest media contrived political frenzy, while anxiously awaiting the next one, like a junkie needing their fix. You would think that someone would be tracking it all and keeping score, but we as a people just continue to follow either one party or the other in order to maintain the status quo. The adage, “fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me” seems appropriate, but in this case it is fool me for more than 30+ years and we still don’t get it . . . that’s not a shame but absolute stupidity! As will be repeated numerous times throughout this book, the definition of stupidity, as you know already, is to “repeat the same behavior over and over and expect a different result.” More than 30+ years is a lot of repeating to still not be getting it . . . don’t you think? Almost everyone in America would agree that the two-party political system is completely broken and simply doesn’t work, but in reality they could not be more wrong. The two-party political system is working to absolute perfection. In fact, it couldn’t be working any better more according to plan. The problem is that it is not working for the American people and works only for the greedy who run it via corrupt politicians and media manipulation.

Anyone that has been to Las Vegas to gamble knows that the house always wins. You lose at one casino, become frustrated and then go down the street to the other casino and you lose at that one. Of course a few people win and as long as “the people” see some win they continue to play. It’s the same reason state lotteries publicize their winners and give them those really big oversized checks on TV — it keeps the suckers coming back to the game.

In reality, speaking economically, voting for one party over another is gambling with your money. Like it or not, government and the legislation they pass or don’t pass along with their management of the economy largely determines your financial well being or lack thereof. Be it taxes, trade agreements, banking regulations, consumer protection laws, or regulations that impact the industry you work within — they all impact your wallet either directly or indirectly. As long as the mega-rich own and control all of our government, via two horribly corrupt political parties — the mega-rich know “the house” will always win at the game. The American people have done nothing but switch from the Party A or Party B “house,” then back again, for 75+ years or more. Just like in Vegas you’re never going to beat the house — no matter which of these two corrupt parties are in control. Anyone that thinks they are beating the house in this two-party casino game needs only to view their complete lack of winnings over the past 30+ years. You have no chips to cash in at the window . . . while the mega-rich have it all. What else do you need to know about the two-party political game?

During the past 35 years America has played in the Party B casino for 15 or the Party A casino for 20 and we’ve lost our financial posterior no matter in which casino we’ve played. In all those years, both parties have “promised the world and delivered nothing” into the wallets’ of average American citizens, but like fools we continue to play the same game. There will of course be party loyalists out there who will believe, no matter how much overwhelming evidence there is to the contrary, that if only their party had been in control all those 35 years that things would be better for all American wallets. It can’t of course be proven that these types of people are wrong, so all that can be said is ‘keep inserting those coins and keep pulling that party lever and maybe you will win some day?’ The house a.k.a. the mega-rich just love players like you . . .  

Instead of hugging your party out of desperation, however, at least ask yourself the question: if “diversity” is good for America in regard to people, then why wouldn’t it be just as good for our political system? In Part II: The Resistance, for those of you willing to think outside the two-party box, a beginning step-by-step methodology for diluting the two-party political monopoly will be presented to begin making the American economy work for the people once again . . . instead of only the mega-rich. Let’s first get beyond the bright lights of the Party A and Party B casinos and see just how they got us to come in the door to gamble all our money away.

The first most essential thing they had to do was get us to believe that there are two different casinos owned by different owners with two different ideologies. Each party picks a different set of bright lights to draw as many people as possible into their casino. The bright lights are called hot button issues such as: patriotism, the flag, same sex marriage, abortion, poverty, immigration, national security, freedom, the deficit, racial inequality, family values, gun control, religion, women’s rights and hundreds of other issues that will elicit fire in the belly and focus within each gambler. Now, ask yourself, just how many of these issues would really matter to you if there was an empty dinner plate sitting in front of you?

While the people are mesmerized by every issue but money, the mega-rich and their two political parties are focused on nothing but money and power. It’s not some grand conspiracy on the part of the two political parties, but instead just two different routes to the same goals . . . power, control and money. Both casinos really do want to gain the most players at their table, in order to win elections, because it means they can funnel more money to themselves and their mega-rich campaign contributors who bankrolled their respective campaigns. The mega-rich are very smart people that simply hedge their bets in every election by backing both casinos. If the odds are that “the little people” are going to vote in Party A, they place more money on red and if it’s Party B they put most of their money on blue. When you have billions of dollars, a few million here or a few more million there are like nickels and dimes to us average Americans.

By betting both red and blue, the greedy win no matter which political party comes out on top. Voila! Creation of an oligarchy were the mega-rich control it all no matter which party Americans gamble on, we lose over the long-term when playing on the American monopoly board. When it comes to money, the rules of gravity that dictate “what goes up must come down” simply don’t apply. The money that goes up stays up forever and is multiplied exponentially. In more than 30+ years, as evidenced by the statistics — not one single penny has “trickled down.” Yes America there were boom times, some people got rich and built big houses, but during all those periods the mega-rich were becoming even richer while carefully consolidating their control tools in order to overtake the entire American Monopoly board.

By playing primarily to hot button issues via the “social liberal” or “social conservative” game, both of the political party casinos ensure that by the time we come through their front door we’re filled with hot blooded passion, fired up and completely bought in emotionally to one of the respective casinos ideologies. They even have the equivalent of adult pep rallies called political conventions to get us in gear and headed to their casino to gamble our future away. The more passionate we are about our casino, the less likely we are to stray down the street to the other casino — more importantly we’re far less likely to keep our hand and eyes on our wallets. We forget about our money and plug in like zombies to either one ideology or another. Who cares about money . . . just give Americans their hot button cultural and social issues while bleeding them dry of money.

We sit down, get very comfortable at the table and away we play. We read about our casino, we comment online back and forth about how great our casino is and about how evil the other is. Those in casino A scream that the casino B is full of anti-American socialists, towel heads, faggots, egg heads, atheists, baby killers, big spenders, free loaders, tree huggers and the N word. The other casino members scream back that that casino A is full of hate mongers, capitalist pigs, holy rollers, war mongers, imperialists, flag wavers, rednecks, mother earth haters, labor haters, free speech haters, want to control women’s bodies, homophobes, haters of the poor and are racists. The idea that either of these two casinos calls the other “hate mongers” is absolutely hilarious! Where is the lack of hate from either side? Polarized, hypnotized by the bright lights and drunk with the cocktails of hate being poured like gasoline upon a fire by our corporate owned media — we fight the “liberals” or fight the “conservatives” while the mega-rich that own the house laugh all the way to the bank. It’s only slightly less contrived and absurd than betting on a WWF pro wrestling match.

In futility we sit at the same table and gamble day after day, year after year, decade after decade. Have you stopped to count up your winnings lately? Where is all the polarization and hate from both sides getting the average American financially? All the statistics and facts say nowhere. It’s like two sides of a boat with each side rowing frantically in opposite directions . . . the result is an endless spin of total futility that has America sinking and stuck in neutral.

We and our forefathers built America and we work everyday for ourselves and the benefit of the American economy at large. In other words, this is our casino that we built and own and we should be setting the rules — more importantly we should be setting the odds of winning for average Americans. Because we’ve been brainwashed by the idea that we have only two options, casino A or casino B, we sit at the table and support our party of choice or the lesser of the two evils. Yet somehow, we continue to lose money no matter which casino we play within. Through our sweat and taxes we continue to put our money on the table, but our number never seems to come up. That big check never arrives and the dice never roll our way. We’re somewhat aware of the money on the table we’re losing, but we never even see the money that’s leaving our wallets year after year from under our American monopoly board through inflation and wildly stagnated wages over the course of 30+ years. It’s like a big lake being drained from the bottom by the mega-rich and because the lake was so large at one point in time, we just recently noticed that the entire shoreline is receding. Such a practice is called skimming and we covered it in some detail when we looked at all the productivity gains and wealth gains within the U.S. over the past 30+ years that you have missed out upon. You now know where all that money has gone and who took it, but how they got you to go along with the theft was very sophisticated indeed.

At the very top of the pecking order leading both of the two major political parties, think tanks, the media and corporations are the mega-rich behind ever single door. Once you’ve tasted mega-money you forget average Americans no matter if they are a member of your political party, a member of your union, civil rights group or the poor. Without an ethics chastity belt welded in the locked position, ethics, principals and integrity get kicked to the curb. It is all about greed, personal gain and paying back campaign contributors as long as “the people” are anything less than 100 percent vigilant. We all wish it were not true and like to believe otherwise, but greed rules the day. If mankind is not regulated, investigated and monitored very closely, he will take the money and run if enough money is put on the table. The sad thing is that, many politicians as well as corporate leaders, had high ideals and started out with honorable intentions, but in time man will always fall short simply because no one is looking, no one will ever know and virtually no one in America has been the wiser . . . until now! Even for those Americans that do realize the corruption and the game being played, they tell themselves that ‘at least we don’t live in China where they don’t even have elections.’ The question you need to begin to ask yourself is, ‘do we actually have elections?’ Are we really given choices as for whom we vote?