
The book that our political class and the mega-rich don't want published

Pulling Back the Curtain

[Pages 133 -136]
Before pulling back the curtain you have to get your mind into the money zone and keep it there. Take all the bright lights and hot button propaganda issues that both political parties have been throwing at you for decades and toss them out the window [or at least park them in a separate cavity of your mind]. It is extremely difficult to do and it requires an unwavering laser focus to keep your eye on the ball. It’s much like the carnival game where the guy puts a small ball under one of three cups and switches them around, then makes you guess which cup the ball is under. In the case of our political system, in order to understand it, you must keep your eye on the money at all times. Do not look at the cultural or social issues to your left or right, just watch the money like a hawk and soon it all becomes crystal clear.

Let’s begin with the most recent casino game that ended with the collapse of Wall Street and our economy in 2008. When we talk money, outright theft and massive political corruption it all starts with Wall Street. While countless books have now been written about the Wall Street collapse, most Americans don’t have the bandwidth or interest level to read 20 books on a topic as insidious and repugnant as Wall Street. Therefore, either of two documentaries, if not both, will get you up to speed on Wall Street’s greed, one is Inside Job and the other is Plunder, The Crime of Our Time. Rent or purchase either of the documentaries and you’ll know enough to understand just how corrupt, crooked and greedy the entire Wall Street game really is. While tempting to try and explore herein, the house of cards, the smoke and mirrors, the trillions in paper only assets with zero monetary value that make up the massive Ponzi/pyramid scheme called Wall Street . . . is just too intricate to even try and explore herein. The fact that only one high profile sacrificial lamb, Bernie Madoff, is behind bars doing prison time tells you everything you need to know about our political and justice system in America. White collar crime on Wall Street pays handsomely and it is ground zero for the class of people in America referred to herein as “the mega-rich.” There is no justice system in America for these people. On the very rare occasions they are caught in their constant crime wave of raping average Americans financially on a daily basis . . . they pay only a few million dollars in fines, never receive any jail time and just keep on stealing.

Any political novice with even a little degree of objectivity can scratch the surface to see that both Party A and Party B are fully 100 percent responsible for what happened with the collapse of Wall Street. Bush and Party A pushed for and allowed Wall Street to make up their own rules of Russian roulette for more than a decade. Countless members of Party B, especially in the House Committee on Financial Services led by Congressman Barney Frank pushed for everyone to be part of the American Dream by owning a home and even president, Bush got in on the act. We were told over and over they were doing it for “the people,” but were they really? Ask yourself if in fact they were both doing it at the bequest of the banks and Wall Street? To assist in your analysis, consider that from 1999 to 2008 the financial sector spent $1.738 B on campaign donations within federal elections and $3.3 B on lobbyists.1

Party B throughout the end of the boom cycle had plenty of regulatory authority to curb the casino games being played on Wall Street as did Party A. Neither ever lifted a finger to put a stop to it because of who was reaping the benefits: the political class via campaign money and positions of power within the system for family and cronies, the hedge fund mega-rich that don’t actually do any work, the silver spoon crowd and the bankers. Party B was the party that really had to sell it to the people via a pitch of “we’re for the people and just want them to have a home of their own.” Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac became the conduit for the con game and Franklin Raines, a Party B loyalist who ran Fannie Mae, laughed all the way to the bank with a bonus of $90 M. Much like children, now that it’s all blown up in their face, both the parties are doing what they always do . . . pointing fingers as quickly as possible toward the other party and saying ‘they did it, they did it, it wasn’t us.’ Who did what when, or who didn’t in this charade is not nearly as telling as what happened next.

The whole charade blew up in the face of both the political parties to the tune of trillions of dollars. The trillions lost in home values and underwater mortgages, income from job loses, stock portfolios, 401k retirement accounts and economic vitality across the board are almost impossible to calculate. The total damage to American citizens is at lest $13 T, but when you project out the longer term impact on the American economy — the real number is unfathomable.2 The greedy Wall Street crowd and the banks had finally gotten caught with their financial pants down. In the process “the people,” you and I, lost at least 20 percent of the value of our biggest asset, our homes. What came next was the biggest con game to ever to be pulled in the history of America — if not the entire world. The media owned by the mega-rich, left right and middle, were sent their scripts and marching orders and nearly every politician in Washington, D.C. lined up behind them as they rolled out the scam 24/7 from every roof top as loudly as their lungs could scream. Just like Chicken Little, they screamed “the sky is falling, the sky is falling,” our entire economy is on the verge of collapse, their will be starving in the streets and social unrest. America as we have known it for our entire lifetimes will cease to exist.’ Over and over the gloom and doom was preached and pumped into every American brain. People were jumping from rooftops and just to prove the threat was real . . . Lehman Brothers was even allowed to fail as a sacrificial lamb [even though their CEO walked away with millions]. Something had to be done and it had to be done now, within days, or we would never recover as a nation.

Voila! Like magic, within matter of a couple of weeks or so, Party A and Party B [who we’re told hate each other] came together, like never before in our lifetime, to pony up a trillion dollars in almost interest free loans. The age of bipartisanship had finally arrived, a true “kumbaya” moment where members of Congress held hands and participated in a fundraiser for Wall Street. There were a few in Congress who grumbled, but at the end of the day, the personal phone calls from the mega-rich telling horror stories of loosing their yacht and of little Biff having to go to a state university were just too much for members of Congress to bear. Since the millionaires in Congress could relate to the indignity of associating with commoners, they examined their conscience and lent the mega-rich our tax money to bail them out from their over the top unhinged greed. Letting them crash and burn so they would finally learn their lesson was just too much “tough love” to dish out. Tough love is only for “the little people,” the unemployed and the homeless in America — not the mega-rich. If Wall Street and the banks were allowed to crash and burn, who would fund the political campaigns of Congress the next time around? Since virtually all members of Congress are placed into office by the mega-rich to begin with, there really wasn’t much choice when their markers were called back in. Almost overnight, it was happy days on Wall Street and the polo grounds once again. Dads would get their millions in bonuses, little Biff would be able to go to an Ivy League school and members of Congress would be able to yacht with Wall Street cronies in the summer. Within months, all was well again on Wall Street and in Washington D.C. which the mega-rich own.  

So Party A and Party B came together in unison to save the day for America’s aristocracy and “the little people” were none the wiser. “The little people” thought that Congress saved our entire economy and everyone in the media read from their scripts and confirmed it 24/7 . . . while playing all of America for fools.

Nonetheless, something seems to be missing from that “saved our entire economy story.” Biff is now at Harvard hanging out with the silver spoon crowd, instead of a state school. The children of “the little people” are fighting wars or going to community college — because they are forced to by the ruined economy. While things are great for Biff and his daddy on Wall Street, what about the 8.5+ million lost jobs and 1 in 4 homes that are now worth far less than their purchase price? What about the downward pressures on salaries and wages forcing people all across America to either work for nothing or to take a pay cut? What about the 30 million under employed and the 15 million unemployed? What about the suicides, the drug and alcohol abuse, the domestic abuse, the rise in crime and the massive social unrest now on the horizon? What about the plunge in tax revenues that will soon be tossing at least 2 million [if not far more] public sector employees out into the streets? Does any of this sound as if the economy was saved? Wall Street was saved and members of Congress were ensured their campaign contributions would continue to arrive, but everyone else in America got screwed to the tune of untold trillions.

  • Far lower starting wages and salaries
  • Wage and salary concessions
  • Lower pay raises or none at all
  • At least 30 million unemployed or underemployed
  • Falling home values and underwater mortgages
  • At least 5 million homes lost to foreclosure and 5 million more on the way
  • Millions of personal and business bankruptcies
  • Nearly $13 T in lost household wealth3
  • Virtually zero consumer spending for at leas a decade or more
  • Constrained economic growth due to lending restraints

Where are the Harvard economists when we actually need them? Where is the study that adds up and calculates all the numbers above over the course of a couple decades or more? Some educated guesses would of course have to be made, but in general, the numbers and projections exist to come up with a total dollar figure that would encompass the damage from Wall Street’s greed. It is the last number either of the two political parties and the mega-rich want calculated and reported to the American people.

We’re now being told that we’ll have to pull together for America by tightening our belts and the “recovery” will just take time. When the Wall Street billionaires, responsible for destroying the economy via their greed, needed money — Congress came through in a moment’s notice. Like devotees, Party A and Party B held hands and wrote the check with our tax money in a “New York minute.” Now, “the people” have no jobs and 55 percent of those that do are worried about losing them. Lost wages, downward pressures on salaries, lost economic activity and a destroyed economy . . . all for the cause of greed!

Breakout Resource(s):

Sold Out – How Washington and Wall Street Betrayed America

Conclusions of the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission

Website – Financial Crisis Commission

Congressional Darlings of Wall Street