monopoly control of government by two deeply corrupt political institutions
such as Party A and Party B will be the most difficult fight in the war to save
our economy, provide jobs and reduce wealth disparity in America. While one is
willing to bankrupt “government” and plunge us off a debt cliff via spending
and hoards of new immigrants to acquire votes, the other is hell bent upon
grinding “the people” into dust by tilting the economic playing field to a full
90 degrees. Both pools have the same construction . . . an ideological deep end
that will drown all average Americans. As demonstrated in PART I, nearly everything
is set-up in a divide and conquer strategy by the mega-rich to continue
funneling all the wealth to the top. As long as the majority of the American
people continue to believe that two political parties are fighting it out for
the good of the “little people” — the two-party game will maintain the vast
pyramid scheme that will continue sucking every dime possible out of every
living American who is not a part of the aristocracy.
buying every time you open your wallet or pocket book is the first step toward
restraining the money hose that’s buying off our government. Coupled with
comprehensive campaign finance reform — such measures will create an
environment whereby one or both of the two dominate political parties can be
reformed, but a tiger doesn’t generally change its stripes once he has tasted
the blood of corruption that is our current political system. As evidenced by
the data and statistics in Part I, both of the two political parties and a
two-party only system of government have been absolute abysmal failures when it
comes to looking out for the American people and protecting the American Dream
for all Americans. Bite into the lure and completely swallow the extremely
poisonous ideological dogma of either of the tow existing parties and America is completely doomed beyond
reclamation. It’s the same cliff of no return, no matter which part is driving
the bus.
For more
than 30+ years, the strangle-hold of two-party rule by the greedy has been
maintained with one simple mantra: ‘a vote for any other political party is a
wasted vote.’ In reality, it’s akin to a dog chasing its tail in an endless
exercise in futility. Under the current political system a vote for either
party delivers more cheap foreign labor, depressed wages and salaries and only
monetary rewards for the parties and the mega-rich. Are all 535 members of
Congress corrupt to the core and only working to further the goals of the
mega-rich? No, but a 2010 poll gave Congress an overall approval rating of just
13 percent, so 87 percent have to go. The problem is that no one in America will get rid of their incumbent and
replace them with a political reformer to fix the system. While the two
pathetic parties are horrible, it’s the political system that is at the heart
of our economic problems. Can a few of the corrupt 87 percent in Congress be
flipped to work for the people instead of the mega-rich? Yes, but it’s far
easier to just replace every old face and every old name in Congress and just
start over. Unfortunately, you can no longer vote for political pork for your
district delivered by incumbency and earmarks, but instead must put the financial
needs of America first. It has to include fiscal
responsibility, but it must also include good private sectors jobs and a
reduction in the massive wealth disparity in America.
Only a true
and complete political revolution in America can stave off the “America 2030”
vision described at the beginning of this book. The mega-rich — now firmly in
charge of our American Monopoly board — will not one day simply come to the
conclusion that they now have enough caviar, yachts and billions in their Swiss
bank accounts. Greed simply has no limits and unless an uncorrupted government
is put into place to regulate and limit greed . . . the mega-rich will starve
us all to death. Virtually every mechanism and tool is in place right now for
the mega-rich to simply pull up on the noose to finish hanging the middle-class
by the neck and only we can stop them.
It will
take time and it will take great courage, but with millions of Americans
engaged economically and politically it will happen. Reform of the political
system as well as the two parties is part of the solution, but just as much, so
too is a groundswell new political parties and independent candidates in every
political race all across America. The new parties can’t get sucked
into one of the big two as we saw happen with the Tea Party becoming part of
the status quo GOP. If the Occupy Wall Street movement is suckered into Party B .
. . then just write them off now as a dead cause not worthy of any attention
whatsoever. A revolution must be all about destroying the establishment and
replacing it with voices of average Americans. New parties have to stand alone
and we the American people have to say good bye to the status quo by voting in new
faces in the two existing parties, independent candidates and candidates from
new political parties. We’re currently traveling down a futile dead-end road
and we have to turn the wheel away from the status quo cliff of no return.
parties emerge, they must develop full and complete political platforms that
address the full economic realities of the world we now live in. A good example
is a Green Party can’t be just about saving Mother Earth, but must have a full
and complete economic platform beyond environmental issues. Any platform must
address wealth disparity, the economy and creation of good private sectors jobs
or it is irrelevant and out of touch with reality. Just as important, it must
be about restraint and fiscal responsibility when it comes to government
spending. Saving trees doesn’t feed people, nor does it restore the American
Dream unless that dream is an America free from all humans and just one huge
forest and healthy planet. We need new parties with realistic solutions to real
economic problems, not the utopian visions that have dominated the political
discussion on the fringe left for far too long. First comes national security
and after that, the agenda has to be all about basic bread and butter issues 24/7
— instead of social issues or some grand vision of an utopian world. Stop for a
moment and look around, does this look like anything approaching utopia to you?
Utopian thinking is largely responsible for the economic abyss we now find
ourselves living within. Wine and cheese intellectualism devoid of reality
checks that dream of a world we wish could be, when in truth we’ve never been
further away, doesn’t feed people . . . good private sector jobs do! By the
same token, if you’re lazy, unwilling to get an education, learn English and
unwilling to work hard . . . no one is going to mail you a check going forward
because the government is now officially broke. While it would be fun to just
play video games all day and go to the mailbox to pick up your check, it’s not
going to work because there will be no one paying taxes.
American people must become politically involved like never before, they must
volunteer, organize, rally, write books, blog, e-mail and most importantly
vote! What will happen from there, no one can truly predict, but anything will
be more productive than staying the two-party course of futility. Any effort
that dilutes the strangle hold that the mega-rich dominated two-party system currently
has on America is progress in the right direction.
Independent candidates have won elections before and many would argue that if
Ross Perot has won when running against Bush and Clinton we would be far better
off as a nation today, especially economically. At least we would not have been
raped by a NAFTA agreement that Bush I pushed and Clinton actually signed. Perot
wouldn’t have put his signature on NAFTA even if he had been water boarded by
the CIA. That’s the type of political leadership we must now have in place.
If you’re
asking yourself if multiple parties would confuse things in Washington, the answer is yes! Confusion in Washington is good if it threatens the two
political parties by forcing them to worry and become extremely uncomfortable. They
currently live in a cushy beltway cocoon thinking their world can’t be touched
or dismantled. At present, Party A knows they are going to get all the votes
right of center and Party B knows they will get all the votes left of center.
Once they are in office, they vote however the mega-rich that put them into
office tell them to vote. We simply must introduce a game changer into the
status quo environment of corruption whereby we have lost our democracy and now
live in an oligarchy ruled by greed.
political class has been playing the exact same game for more than 30+ years
and “we the people” have been the ones losing while the mega-rich and the
political class win it all. Allay any fears that upheaval will allow some
radical fringe group to get into office and take over the government. We
already have a radical fringe group in charge of our government: a political
class that answers only to the mega-rich. What could be more radical than that?
Their clear platform is as straightforward and simple as exterminating the
middle class until America becomes a two class nation of ultra
rich and dirt poor. They intend to continue plundering the American economy for
their own gain, sucking it ever more barren by the day. When they are done, if
we allow it, slavery will look like a step up for quality of life, because
slaves at least had food, we the American people will not. Starvation is
radical, political reforms, new parties and new independent candidates are not!
Does anyone in America, with any brainwaves, anyone awake
for the past 20+ years, think this — the current political system — is working?
Again, stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a
different outcome. It’s a dead tired cliché, but the evidence of our collective
stupidity couldn’t be more clearly demonstrated by now. This just isn’t working
and it’s time for radical change! A peaceful revolution via political channels
. . . before the violent revolution described at the beginning of this book
comes to pass. The clock is ticking and the time for change is now! America can continue on this passive path
of manipulation by the mega-rich, or we can change what’s coming by taking back
America from the greedy and restoring democracy. Only
actions, activism and multitudes of Americans energized and ready to fight can
change our present course.